represetative characters for [...] Wstring BOOL If TRUE, then [...] negative value if the
is used for [...] If a falling edge [...] only reset if either
If a falling edge [...] only reset if either [...] this case, the
If a falling edge [...] only reset if either [...] this case, the
. If a falling edge [...] only reset if either [...] this case, the
|ACCESS_MODE| for [...] examples: AM_READ If [...] returned. If the file
supported. Note If a [...] current device for
_PDO_GUARDING If cyclic [...] for life guarding.
IoServicesResult SISR_OK - if data [...] _PENDING - if data has not [...] _FAILED - if an error
_CODE.SUCCESSFUL if writing is [...] _CODE.SUCCESSFUL if writing is [...] _CODE if writing is not