response uiResponseDataLength UINT Length of the [...] instead of a response.
(length l). Note: it is [...] the value of l [...] The length (the
Name STRING(256) Name of [...] ] OF STRING Name of [...] FrameDwnSL : STRUCT Structure of
DefinitionName STRING Name of the [...] RecipeName STRING Name of the recipe
_TO_HEXSTRING : STRING Return the lower part of a byte [...] string InOut: Scope
_ID.CONNECTED_DATA_ITEM, uiLength := 0) ui [...] [0..510] OF BYTE
Ticket POINTER TO STRING [...] AppNameOld POINTER TO STRING Name of the old
_TO_IPSTRING : STRING Converts a byte [...] ip address string [...] _TO_IPSTRING STRING Input aby
IPAddress STRING Ip address of [...] IPAddressSO STRING Address of the [...] values of TCP client
INT Length of the [...] information of alarms from [...] FB.ADDR_TYPE ; message : STRING ; END