> <param name=”udiDisplayID [...] contexts by ID. If only [...] error code (see Cmp
function block. iErrorID [...] command. bError BOOL TRUE : Error has
expected Error BOOL An error occurred ErrorID SML_ERROR The error
. Properties: LastError TableId , inherited [...] Structure: LastError
Weekday WEEKDAY Output eErrorID ERROR
References : SNCM_ECATSLAVE_ITF.ERROR [...] , vendor ID returns ERR [...] _NOVENDORID if the vendor ID
GroupCount (Method) GetGroupFromID [...] GroupIDFromIndex (Method) GetGroupIndexFromID (Method) GetLastError
Output eError ERROR Local library error ID (0: no error
C xError BOOL TRUE : Error condition reached LConC eErrorID
from. Output xError BOOL An error was [...] NameValid yields true xRTVTargetId