old and obsolete [...] Data POINTER TO BYTE dwSize DWORD targetByte
mask and standard [...] BYTE SubnetMask ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE
next byte border [...] continued and the input and output offset
string and [...] FALSE and does no [...] PadChar BYTE The padding
string and [...] FALSE and does no [...] PadChar BYTE The padding
dependent and the [...] and initialize the [...] TO BYTE
dependent and the [...] and initialize the [...] TO BYTE
by handle and callback and parameter [...] CallbackFunction POINTER TO BYTE Address
in pbyData and returns the rune and [...] BYTE Pointer to the
parameters for Tx and Rx [...] _TXSRDOBUFFER_HIGH_LIMIT BYTE 63 maximal [...] _RXSRDOBUFFER_HIGH_LIMIT BYTE 63 maximal