Commit BOOL Output xDone BOOL xBusy BOOL xError BOOL xAborted BOOL i
Commit BOOL Output xDone BOOL xBusy BOOL xError BOOL xAborted BOOL i
_profi_get_data : INT InOut: Scope [...] _profi_get_data INT Input Data [...] DataSize POINTER TO UINT p
CyclicActionDone BOOL Output xComplete BOOL iErrorID INT [...] CyclicActionDone : BOOL InOut: Scope
to 0 LOAD BOOL [...] defines datatype INT [...] *) CTUDInst ( CU := VarBOOL
ConnectionsConfigured INT Number of [...] ConnectionsWorking INT Number of [...] ConnectionStatusLink1 BOOL Status of link
UpdateRects : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] UpdateRects BOOL Input elemIndex INT
Dlg_ProcessExpFloatFormatSwitch : BOOL switches the [...] Dlg_ProcessExpFloatFormatSwitch BOOL Inout st [...] CaretPosition INT The current
FctWriteValueIfValid INT Input pstToWrite POINTER TO STRING pDataToWriteTo [...] FctWriteValueIfValid : INT InOut: Scope
IEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_chaManRs BOOL x_actVal BOOL x_oldVal BOOL chaManRs ty