RouterObject 16#2 Device [...] InputPointObject 16#A Analog [...] Object 16#2A Acknowledge
Desc_Array A special array [...] Desc Find [...] Desc_Array FindNode , inherited
Reference ¶ This is a [...] Device Diagnosis [...] ¶ Placeholder: CAA Device
plugged WrongModule 1 a [...] device was able to
device. x [...] the slave has a
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS Constructs a BACnet-Object [...] BACnet-Device-Object [...] -Device of the BACnet
a new object to [...] with “Device” as the [...] .g. “Device
TriggerValueType TypeClass A Type [...] alarm class liRemoteDevice [...] device value as “raw
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Using this method a [...] sending a request [...] device.
to preregister a list of variables (a [...] device for quicker