_Data : POINTER TO BYTE ; uiSizeOf [...] This function is needed, to register
instance. The name of [...] Stub3 The IAlarmMetaObjectStub3 instance to store. Can
_BACNET_BOOLEAN If set to True the [...] Poll is set to False [...] _BACNET_BOOLEAN If set to True the
to the pipe file an instance of the [...] used to access the
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS Updates the object [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_DWORD The device instance [...] _ID The object
instance of IDatabaseAccess, that is used to [...] Stub3 An instance of
documentation of BACnetObject [...] Base SetBACnetDateTimePropertyTo [...] Base SetBACnetDevObjPropReference
Data is set to [...] is created for the [...] device object that is
Object Name of the [...] Object Identifier. The [...] _BACNET_ADDRESS This is the MAC
an instance of the configuration object to the driver. The according