register 0x130 (current [...] Name Type Initial [...] aborted by user ETrig
_REF_SM3 . InOut: Scope Name [...] number: 1147 fSetCurrent [...] number: 1150 fActCurrent
Out: Scope Name Type [...] delay of the current [...] allows the user to
.WSTRING_LENGTH) Name of the current [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] aborted by user ETrig
UaId_AnonymousIdentityToken 319 OpcUaId_UserName [...] Ua_NodeIds : InOut: Name [...] UaId_StatusCode 19 OpcUaId_QualifiedName
Out: Scope Name Type [...] free user specific [...] represents the current
_REF_ETC_DS402_CS InOut: Scope Name [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 fSetCurrent [...] _REF_SM3 fActCurrent LREAL
_REF_ETC_DS402_CS InOut: Scope Name [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 fSetCurrent [...] _REF_SM3 fActCurrent LREAL
_REF_CAN_DS402_IP InOut: Scope Name [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 fSetCurrent [...] _REF_SM3 fActCurrent LREAL
_REF_VIRTUAL_SM3 InOut: Scope Name [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 fSetCurrent [...] _REF_SM3 fActCurrent LREAL