model requires a udiTime [...] interfaces: IETrigTo (ITF) | IETrigTlTo (ITF
.IQueryInterface Interface to provide [...] ReorderingFailure LastReorderingTime [...] DatabaseFileSize (Method) LastReorderingTime
Source POINTER TO STRING [...] -Names dwTimeStampMS DWORD wTime
(Property) ElementCompareTo [...] HashCode (Method) LockWaitTime
Type is set to ASYNCJOB [...] Taskname POINTER TO STRING Task [...] task. ulTaskSleepTime
are reset to their [...] determines which way to [...] address to be written
access to a property has to be delegated to the local
(Method) prvIsChangedTo [...] (Method) prvIsChangedTo [...] FbMoveRelativeTapAware (FunctionBlock) prvIsChangedTo
minimum time needed to [...] state to zero, after
, a time stamp to [...] message to the initiating device to