Input ID DWORD [...] data in progress xError BOOL Error occured
Output eError ERROR Local library error ID (0: no error
error code udiJobId [...] execution udiGenericError [...] error code udiExtendedError
to TRUE. The ID [...] error occurred, the ERROR output
any error, output [...] TRUE and ERROR to 0 [...] devices are error free
is reached. errorId [...] . movementId SMC_MOVEMENT_ID The id of the
xError BOOL an error occured, see ErrorCode Error
function block. eErrorID [...] , either bDone or bError [...] : Success bError BOOL
. nFBErrorID SMC_ERROR 0 Error [...] FALSE TRUE : Error
Abort : BOOL ; 10 iErrorID [...] 20 iErrorID => iErrorID [...] AbortProposed : BOOL ; 5 iError