Init : LREAL In [...] Return Init LREAL [...] Output h_guess LREAL
) ¶ FUNCTION atan2 : LREAL [...] coordinates. InOut: Scope [...] Return atan2 LREAL The
) ¶ FUNCTION fmod : LREAL [...] result in the return 0. InOut: Scope Name
DefaultPlanningInterval : LREAL The default [...] CP kernel (in [...] positive. InOut: Scope
InOut: Scope Name [...] Last DWORD tCycleReal
fixed length in which [...] . InOut: Name Type [...] segment. dLength LREAL
. InOut: Scope Name [...] JointAngle_rad LREAL dLinkOffset_u LREAL d
path. InOut: Name [...] fVelMax LREAL The [...] AccMax LREAL The maximum
Grid4 : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] ] OF LREAL aII ARRAY [0..4] OF LREAL a
_SegmentEndDist : LREAL InOut: Scope [...] Queue Input dS LREAL [...] _SegmentEndDist LREAL