_CheckForLimits works on the SMC [...] Execute BOOL FALSE Execution starts on the rising
on the same [...] program can work on it [...] Support29Bits BOOL FALSE : only 11
set on false In [...] bInit BOOL
detailed information on [...] Error BOOL TRUE if values
_SolveIVP : BOOL Solves the [...] _JERK. Depending on the value of [...] . On success, the
correction based on [...] , based on its current [...] controller relies only on
Stop BOOL FALSE Stops [...] ResetComPort BOOL FALSE Closes [...] reopens the COM Port on
Input bEnable BOOL [...] on the rising edge [...] Busy BOOL Whether the
different depending on [...] BOOL Executes the FB [...] . Output Done BOOL The
Execute BOOL Rising edge [...] ETrigATo xAbort BOOL [...] Done BOOL TRUE : Ready