List. InOut: Scope Name [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_DWORD The instance number [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_DWORD The instance number
.IQueryInterface Methods: VarAccGetUABrowseName [...] UADescription VarAccGetUADisplayName [...] Metadata VarAccGetUABrowseName
ReasonCode MsgGetRefName MsgGet [...] ReasonCode (Method) MsgGetRefName [...] 61850_HistDataBufferFB InOut: Scope Name
NodeFullPath GetNodeName Get [...] NodeFullPath (Method) GetNodeName [...] VariableConfiguration BrowseDown BrowseGet
instance of NBS [...] .ERROR.NO_ERROR THEN myIPFrom := myIPAddressFrom.Get [...] Name Type Return
SharedArea EXTENDS FBF.Instance [...] InOut: Scope Name [...] _UDINT(MBM.PoolGetSize(udi
Child GetFirstChildByBrowseName GetNextChildByBrowseName [...] Desc GetName
EnumValues_internal (Method) GetName [...] GetFirstChildByBrowseName (Method) GetNextChildByBrowseName
instance with [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] , where the name of the
_EventQualifier (Struct) IOL_EventQualifier_Instance [...] _FieldbusStatus (Struct) IOL_GetEvent_ChannelDiagnosis (Function) IOL_Get