RestoreFrom : BOOL In [...] From BOOL Inout id [...] _POSITION_DEPTH * 2)] OF INT i
VisuIndex3 : BOOL It set a new [...] VisuIndex3 BOOL Input pClientData POINTER TO Visu
] OF INT Points to [...] FctGetMeasureString2Result : BOOL This function is used to
TIMEZONE ¶ INT64_TO_LOCALTIME (Function) INT64_TO_UTC (Function)
IEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_ST BOOL Status general BOOL M phsA BOOL phsB BOOL
CurrentElemCount INT iIdToSearch INT [...] _FctGetElementIndexFromID : INT InOut: Scope [...] _FctGetElementIndexFromID INT Input pi
IEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_SP BOOL [...] IEC61850_AT_BOOLEAN SP|SE|SE x_DC BOOL description d_REF INT
FCPara POINTER TO INT n [...] TxSPDU POINTER TO ty [...] TO ty
Movement INT total [...] relative to the static [...] Movement INT total vertical