IDataStorage4 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataStorage4 EXTENDS IDataStorage3 Methods: OnResetOrigin2 Close , inherited from IDataStorage CloseCheckDependant , inherited from IDataStorage3 Next , inherited from IDataStorage OnResetOrigin , inherited from IDataStorage2 Open , inherited from IDataStorage Put , inherited from IDataStorage Structure: OnResetOrigin2 (Method)
IDataStorage4.OnResetOrigin2 (METH) ¶ METHOD OnResetOrigin2 InOut: Scope Name Type Input stInstListName STRING
DecoupledBinaryMemoryStorage ¶ DecoupledBinaryMemoryStorage (FunctionBlock) DecoupledBinaryMemoryStorage (FunctionBlock) IDecoupledDataStorage (Interface) TL_Decoupled (TextList)
DecoupledBinaryMemoryStorage (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DecoupledBinaryMemoryStorage EXTENDS BinaryMemoryStorage IMPLEMENTS IDecoupledDataStorage InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Inherited from Input pbyMemData POINTER TO BYTE BinaryMemoryStorage udiMemDataSize UDINT 1024 BinaryMemoryStorage Methods: Close , inherited from BinaryMemoryStorage GetErrorMessage , inherited from BinaryMemoryStorage Next , inherited from BinaryMemoryStorage OnResetOrigin , inherited from BinaryMemoryStorage Open , inherited from BinaryMemoryStorage Put , inherited from BinaryMemoryStorage
IDecoupledDataStorage (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDecoupledDataStorage EXTENDS IDataStorage2 Methods: Close , inherited from IDataStorage Next , inherited from IDataStorage OnResetOrigin , inherited from IDataStorage2 Open , inherited from IDataStorage Put , inherited from IDataStorage
TL_Decoupled (Text List) ¶ ID Default en de PersistenceChannelForDecoupledBinaryMemoryStorage_Desc This PersistenceChannel can define a decoupled BinaryMemoryStorage-module as its submodule. This PersistenceChannel can define a decoupled BinaryMemoryStorage-module as its submodule. Der Persistenz-Kanal can ein “decoupled” BinaryMemoryStorage-Modul als Submodul definieren. DecoupledBinaryMemoryStorage_Desc This is a decoupled module that makes sure that not the entire PersistenceManager is stored to RETAIN area of the memory. This is a decoupled module that makes sure that not the entire PersistenceManager is stored to RETAIN area of the memory. Dies stellt ein “decoupled” Modul dar, das sicherstellt, das nicht das gesamte PersistenzManager Modul mit all seinen Kindmodulen im RETAIN Bereich des Speichers abgelegt wird.
GetDateTime (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetDateTime : DATE_AND_TIME InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetDateTime DT
HelpFunctions ¶ ACP_AllTypes (Union) AddLoggerEntry (Function) BitsRequired (Function) CallbackClose (Function) CallbackOpen (Function) CmpAlphabeticallyCI (Function) CmpArrayAccess (Function) CmpInstanceComponent (Function) CmpInstancePaths (Function) Compress (Function) CreateString (Function) Extract (Function) FileExists (Function) FindAtAddress (Function) FindInString (Function) GetUnusedFilename (Function) HexDigit (Function) HexValue (Function) IsEnglishLanguageCode (Function) ParseArrayAccess (Function) StartsWithCI (Function) StrCmpAlphabeticallyCI (Function) StrLen (Function) StringLiteral_To_String (Function) StringTokenizer (FunctionBlock) String_To_StringLiteral (Function) String_To_TypeClass (Function) String_To_TypedValue (Function) ToUpper (Function) TypeClass_IsInteger (Function) TypeClass_IsSigned (Function) TypeClass_Size (Function) TypeClass_To_String (Function) TypedValue_To_String (Function) convertandcopyvalue (Function) copypointerstring (Function) copystring (Function) copytypedvalue (Function)
ACP_AllTypes (UNION) ¶ TYPE ACP_AllTypes : UNION InOut: Name Type b BOOL byt BYTE w WORD dw DWORD lw LWORD f REAL lr LREAL ws WSTRING t TIME lti LTIME d DATE dti DT tofd TOD si SINT i INT di DINT li LINT lda LDATE ltofd LTIME_OF_DAY ldti LDATE_AND_TIME
MemoryStream (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL MemoryStream IMPLEMENTS IStream A buffer that can be either used for reading or writing (but not both) InOut: Scope Name Type Input pbyMem POINTER TO BYTE udiMemSize UDINT Methods: Init Read Reset Write Structure: Init (Method) Read (Method) Reset (Method) Write (Method)