Ts LREAL dS LREAL dTau1 [...] Dbg_Fun_ComputeRoot_tau1 [...] _BLOCK Dbg_Fun_ComputeRoot_tau1
.PURPOSE.CLIENT_SIDE , sUseCaseName := 'NBSTest' , sTLSVersion := '1.3' , ci
Dbg_Write_ComputeRoot_tau1 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Dbg_Write_ComputeRoot_tau1 [...] Return Dbg_Write_ComputeRoot_tau1
.DynVState Input aS ARRAY [0..1 [...] .AXISPOS_REF Inout auq ARRAY [0..1
between 1 and 247 tSlaveTimeout TIME TIME#1s0ms Time [...] SlaveAddress USINT 1 Slave address
between 1 and 247 tSlaveTimeout TIME TIME#1s0ms Time [...] SlaveAddress USINT 1 Slave address
Name string 3S-Smart [...] H libraryFile _3S [...] contentFile _3S
Block) Initialize (Method) Kin_Staubli_TS60_S1_D25_L200_floor_R1 [...] Block) Initialize (Method) Kin_Staubli_TX60_S1
EncodingType BYTE sSimplyEncodedData STRING s [...] PresentContextId BYTE 1=Association
, StopBit s = 1 [...] s are a list of [...] : COMPort = 1, Baudrate