BenchmarkFBStatistics EXTENDS VisuRealValue [...] Output rAvg REAL VisuRealValue [...] VisuRealValue
values in the series fMin LREAL Minimum value fMax LREAL Maximum value f
fMin LREAL fMax [...] Enable BOOL curValue
STRING stMin STRING stMax [...] variable display value [...] , always FALSE Inout stOutputValue
value MinVal 5 The [...] ESpecial_FP_Value [...] ESpecial_FP_Value
<= q3 <= q3_max, q5_min [...] value for axis 3 q3_max [...] value for axis 3 q5_min
Limit (Property) MaxPresValue (Property) MinPresValue [...] OfService (Property) PresentValue
Limit (Property) MaxPresValue (Property) MinPresValue [...] LargeAnalogValue
Limit (Property) MaxPresValue (Property) MinPresValue [...] AnalogValue
Limit (Property) MaxPresValue (Property) MinPresValue [...] IntegerValue