RMPService.SetIsActionOngoing (METH) ¶ METHOD SetIsActionOngoing : BOOL This method tries to set that this channel is currently active writing or reading. ..return: If it was possible to set the current state of activity. If this is FALSE xIsActionOngoing has not been set! InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetIsActionOngoing BOOL Input xIsActionOngoing BOOL
RMP_GVL (GVL) ¶ InOut: Name Type Initial Comment g_AC_RMP_xDiagLog BOOL FALSE Determines whether diagnostic message for the RMP (Reliable Message Protocoll) should be logged or not
RMP_GVL_CONST (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant gc_SizeMessageData UINT 64 The size of the message data. Note : Currently this constant is not used but the data size is set to 64 without using the constant
RMPService (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL RMPService IMPLEMENTS IRmpService3 This function block is unique in an application and gets automatically created and initialized during the generation of the composer for every applicrt of the RMP (Reliable Message Protocoll) communication. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Input uiLocalAppID UINT Local app ID uiNumberOfConnections UINT Number of connections to other apps pSendConnection POINTER TO RMPConnection Pointer to array of RMPServiceconncetions representing sending connections created by the composer during generation pReceiveConnection POINTER TO RMPConnection Pointer to array of RMPServiceconncetions representing receiving connections created by the composer during generation pRMPComFB POINTER TO IRMPFBCommunication 0 Pointer to array of IRMPFBCommunication representing FBs used for communiction (0 if no communication FBs are used) Properties: LocalAppID Methods: GetComFBForComAddress GetIsActionOngoing SetIsActionOngoing CyclicCall IsMessageSent QueueSendMessage Receive Structure: Cyclic CyclicCall (Method) GetComFBForComAddress (Method) GetIsActionOngoing (Method) LocalAppID (Property) Receive Receive (Method) Send IsMessageSent (Method) QueueSendMessage (Method) SetIsActionOngoing (Method)
Cyclic ¶ CyclicCall (Method)
RMPService.CyclicCall (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL CyclicCall : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return CyclicCall BOOL
RMPService.GetComFBForComAddress (METH) ¶ METHOD GetComFBForComAddress : IRMPFBCommunication This functions returns the communication FB used to communicate to or from a given Module ComAddress of a Module. ..note: If communication FBs are not used for communication this function will always return 0! ..return: If FB communication was used and a FB communicating to or from the given ComAddress exists the correspnding FB/Interface is returned If no communication FB is available 0 is reutnred. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetComFBForComAddress IRMPFBCommunication Input udiModuleComAddress UDINT The ComAddress of the Module for which the CommunicationFB shall be received
IDataStorage3.CloseCheckDependant (METH) ¶ METHOD CloseCheckDependant : BOOL Close files or storage accesses, but, dependant on an additional check parameter, save the data or not InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return CloseCheckDependant BOOL Input xCheckSucceeded BOOL Indicates whether a preseding data check succeeded. If so, this parameter should be TRUE, so that the storage data gets saved, before the storage is closed. Being FALSE, the storage is only closed, but no data saved.
IDataStorage4 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataStorage4 EXTENDS IDataStorage3 Methods: OnResetOrigin2 Close , inherited from IDataStorage CloseCheckDependant , inherited from IDataStorage3 Next , inherited from IDataStorage OnResetOrigin , inherited from IDataStorage2 Open , inherited from IDataStorage Put , inherited from IDataStorage Structure: OnResetOrigin2 (Method)
IDataStorage4.OnResetOrigin2 (METH) ¶ METHOD OnResetOrigin2 InOut: Scope Name Type Input stInstListName STRING