ICredentialsProvider.StartGetCredentials (METH) ¶ METHOD StartGetCredentials : UDINT Will return an id of the question for credentials. This id can be used in the following calls to <see cref=”IsGetCredentialsFinished”/> InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return StartGetCredentials UDINT Input pstDataSource POINTER TO STRING The name of the datasource Output udiErrorCode UDINT
IDataGroup (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataGroup EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Methods: AddItem Clear Release Use Structure: AddItem (Method) Clear (Method) Release (Method) Use (Method)
IDataGroup.AddItem (METH) ¶ METHOD AddItem : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return AddItem UDINT Input pstSymbol POINTER TO STRING
IDataGroup.Clear (METH) ¶ METHOD Clear : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Clear BOOL
IDataGroup.Release (METH) ¶ METHOD Release : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return Release UDINT
Data Server Interfaces Library Documentation ¶ Company System Title Data Server Interfaces Version Categories Intern|DataServer Namespace Dataserver_Interfaces Author 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH Description 1 ¶ This library defines the interfaces the dataserver consists of. It is also the basis for developing own datasources. Contents: ¶ DataItemQualityCodes (GVL) DataServerFlags (Enum) DataServerRequestIdentification (Enum) DataServerSettings (GVL) DataServer_StructReplacementInfo (Struct) DataSourceShutdownFlags (Enum) DataSourceState (Enum) DataSourceTransactionResult (Enum) DriverInitConstants (GVL) DriverInitInfo (Struct) ICallback (Interface) Callback (Method) ICredentialsProvider (Interface) GetCredentials (Method) IsGetCredentialsFinished (Method) LoginFailed (Method) StartGetCredentials (Method) IDataGroup (Interface) AddItem (Method) Clear (Method) Release (Method) Use (Method) IDataItemList (Interface) Clear (Method) Count (Property) CreateAndAdd (Method) GetItem (Method) IDataServer (Interface) AllItemsOk (Method) BeginDataConfiguration (Method) EndDataConfiguration (Method) GetItemInfo (Method) ReleaseData (Method) UseData (Method) IDataServer2 (Interface) GetInterface (Method) InstancePathPrefix (Property) SetCredentialsProvider (Method) IDataServer3 (Interface) ResolveSymbol (Method) IDataServer4 (Interface) CreateItemList (Method) DeleteItemList (Method) ReadItems (Method) WriteItems (Method) IDataServer5 (Interface) DeleteRecord (Method) Flags (Property) GetRecordResult (Method) ReplayRecord (Method) ResumeAfterTempShutdown (Method) StartRecordMode (Method) StartTempShutdown (Method) IDataServer6 (Interface) GetAddress (Method) IsSwappingNeeded (Method) ProcessDataServerRequest (Method) IDataServerActionRecord (Interface) IDataServerFrameManager (Interface) GetCount (Method) GetReplacedPath (Method) GetReplacementInfo (Method) IDataSourceDriver (Interface) Connecting (Method) GetRequestResult (Method) GetSetting (Method) Initialize (Method) LastError (Property) ReadRequest (Method) Reset (Method) ShuttingDown (Method) StartConnect (Method) StartShutdown (Method) State (Property) UpdateRequest (Method) WriteRequest (Method) IDataSourceDriver2 (Interface) ShutdownFinished (Method) IDataSourceDriver3 (Interface) AssignCredentials (Method) CredentialsNeeded (Property) GetInterface (Method) IDataSourceDriver4 (Interface) ReadRequest2 (Method) WriteRequest2 (Method) IDataSourceDriver5 (Interface) IsSwappingNeeded (Method) ProcessDataServerReply (Method) ProcessDataServerRequest (Method) IGeneric (Interface) GetInterface (Method) IProvidesConcreteType (Interface) ImplementingTypeId (Property) Instance (Property) ITempShutdownResult (Interface) DataSourceName (Property) Result (Property) InterfaceIds (GVL) PlcAddressInfoUnion (Union) ReturnValues (GVL) SwappingInfo (Enum) TypeIds (Enum) Indices and tables ¶ 1 Based on DataServer_Itfs.library, last modified 20.04.2021, 14:41:29. LibDoc The content file DataServer_Itfs.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 20.04.2021, 14:41:29.
DataItemQualityCodes (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Constant Mask_LowestLevel DWORD 16#FFFF Mask_DriverLevel DWORD 16#FF0000 Mask_ApplicationLevel DWORD 16#FF000000 AppLevel_LastUpdateFailed DWORD 16#1000000 AppLevel_Timeout DWORD 16#2000000
DataServerFlags (ENUM) ¶ TYPE DataServerFlags : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name None ForIntegratedVisu
DataServerRequestIdentification (ENUM) ¶ TYPE DataServerRequestIdentification : This enumeration is used to identify the requests to send to the PLC Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name None AlarmsGetCount AlarmsGetAlarms
DataServerSettings (GVL) ¶ Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant Tag_Timeout_DriverBusy DWORD 16#1 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Timeout_DriverSyncShutdown DWORD 16#2 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Timeslice_DriverSyncShutdown DWORD 16#3 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Recover_ReconnectWaittime DWORD 16#4 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Recover_ErrorWaittime DWORD 16#5 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Recover_ReconnectBusyTimeoutWaittime DWORD 16#6 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Recover_IdentityMismatch DWORD 16#7 Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds Tag_Memory_StartReserveReadItems DWORD 16#8 Returnvalue is a DWORD Tag_Memory_StartReserveWriteItems DWORD 16#9 Returnvalue is a DWORD Tag_Recover_ReconnectCurrentWaittime DWORD 16#A Returnvalue is a DWORD, number of milliseconds; This setting is not cached by the dataserver, will be asked after some recoverable errors; can overwrite other settings if the return value is <> 0 Tag_UpdateInStopMode DWORD 16#B Returnvalue is in fact a boolean. 1 -> Do updates in Stop mode, 0 -> Do nothing in stop mode Default_Timeout_DriverBusy DWORD 5000 Default_Timeout_DriverSyncShutdown DWORD 3000 Default_Timeslice_DriverSyncShutdown DWORD 100 Default_Recover_ReconnectWaittime DWORD 20000 Default_Recover_ErrorWaittime DWORD 30000 Default_Recover_ReconnectBusyTimeoutWaittime DWORD 3000 Default_Recover_IdentityMismatch DWORD 120000 Default_Recover_ReconnectCurrentWaittime DWORD 0 no overwrite of existing times Default_UpdateInStopMode DWORD 0 do nothing while stopped Default_Memory_StartReserveReadItems DWORD 100 Default_Memory_StartReserveWriteItems DWORD 100