Name Type Comment [...] not change global [...] handled by the user
Out: Scope Name Type [...] not change global [...] handled by the user
the user data area [...] mapped user data. If [...] state change, etc
Ua_BuiltInType (Enum) OpcUa_DataChange [...] Ua_TimestampsToReturn (Enum) OpcUa_User
private ¶ prvCheckUser [...] FreeResources (Method) prvGetFileName [...] GetHashFromWString (Method) prvModifyUser
it could change [...] -change. InOut: Scope Name Type Input p
it could change [...] -change. InOut: Scope Name Type Input p
_MGMT_GETSETDB UINT 16#B TAG_VisuUserMgmtAppName [...] MgmtFlags UINT 16#6 TAG_VisuUserMgmtUserChange [...] MgmtGetUsersReply UINT 16#2 TAG_VisuUserMgmtCheckChangeUser
_only InOut: Scope Name [...] Constant CMPID_CmpUser [...] EVTPARAMID_CmpUser
EnumClientTag Name do not change [...] _only InOut: Name [...] not change as this