Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name [...] Node ICollections.IBaseTreeNode pVariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.Variable
VarAccess_Interfaces.SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name [...] VarAccess_Interfaces.SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pVariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.Variable
NodeFullPath : DINT InOut: Scope [...] Node IBaseTreeNode pVariableInformation POINTER TO Variable
variable display value [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] OutputValue STRING stVariable
TimestampReached (Method) ProcessVariable [...] ReadingData (Method) AfterReadingVariable [...] ReadingData (Method) BeforeReadingVariable
Dlg_ProcessChar. InOut: Scope Name [...] of the variable [...] variable value will be
StreamingVisuToPlc2 InOut: Scope Name [...] configured BOOL variable [...] configured BOOL variable
StreamingPlcToVisu InOut: Scope Name [...] configured BOOL variable [...] configured BOOL variable
StreamingVisuToPlc InOut: Scope Name [...] configured BOOL variable [...] configured BOOL variable
Out: Scope Name Type Input [...] REFERENCE TO VariableInformation