Pointers : BOOL If user defined [...] Pointers BOOL Input p
; input and output [...] user defined [...] input mode SIO) DO
the user [...] _IEC_RESULT Input pbyData POINTER [...] DataSize UDINT Input Const psz
GetCredentials __UXINT Input pst [...] user for example
GetCredentials __UXINT Input pst [...] user for example
user application can [...] _BACNET_STATUS Input devId IEC
GetCredentials __UXINT Input pst [...] user for example
UaId_MessageSecurityMode 302 OpcUaId_UserTokenType 303 OpcUaId_User [...] UaId_CreateSessionResponse 462 OpcUaId_User
enables the user [...] _BACNET_STATUS Input hCustomer IEC [...] shall be used here. pUser
user. The following [...] _Object.ICIPSymbolObject VAR_INPUT END [...] SymbolicCIPObject BOOL Input itf