operation. In case of [...] Name The name of the [...] . For details of the
_SO_KEEPALIVE . NOTE: If one of the [...] supported, the result of [...] _NOT_SUPPORTED. In this case, the
Motion_NC2_Constants.IPR_CALLSTACK_SIZE - 1)] OF STRING The [...] converted into a list of [...] queue of type SMC
_NO_ERROR in case of success [...] _StandardRamps ramp-instances of [...] an instance of the
Converter.Update_Time Another use case of [...] properties of BACnet [...] objectives. 1.) eventually
configuration states of joint 0 of the 6 [...] (singular case)
position of a partial [...] . FIND(STR1, STR [...] position of the first
SmoothingPart LREAL 0.5 In case of [...] Buf: ARRAY[1..50] OF SMC [...] motions of additional
-coordinate (in ]-1,1[ ) of [...] -coordinate (in ]-1,1[ ) of [...] -coordinate (in ]-1,1[ ) of
position of the beginning of the first occurence of STR2 in STR1