TargetId POINTER TO DWORD <param [...] TargetId” type=”OUT”>Pointer to the Target
OperatingSystemId POINTER TO UDINT <param [...] OperatingSystemID” type=”OUT”>Pointer to operating
Result POINTER TO RTS [...] Result” type=”OUT”>Pointer to runtime system
Result POINTER TO RTS [...] Result” type=”OUT”>Pointer to runtime system
VariableInformation POINTER TO Iec [...] BrowseIntoComplexTypes BOOL pResult POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT
Buffer (FunctionBlock) BytesTo [...] Data (Method) GetDataPointerAt (Method) GetDataPointer
pAddRamps POINTER TO BYTE pointer to
used to send notifications to a [...] to the
State POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] corresponding to a given time [...] the CS relative to
_OUTQUEUE Pointer to data of [...] BufferOutQueue POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] _GEOINFO Pointer to the first