Position InOut: Scope Name Type Inout vOut SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D Inout Const vIn SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D
Position InOut: Scope Name Type Inout vOut SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D Inout Const vIn SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D
TrajectoryLimits : ETrajectoryLimit In [...] PePause POINTER TO PathElem dSEndSegment LREAL d
a phase dTau1 of [...] by / j_hgh if dT < dTau1 j_k = | j
_VectorMult : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] POINTER TO SMC_Vector3D d LREAL
TrajectoryLimits InOut: Scope Name [...] dS0 LREAL d
JointPositions InOut: Scope Name [...] RailJoints ARRAY [0..2] OF SMC_VECTOR3D [...] PlateJoints ARRAY [0..2] OF SMC_VECTOR3D
. InOut: Scope Name [...] _Matrix3 Input iRow DINT d0 LREAL d1 LREAL d
vOut SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D Inout Const vIn SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D [...] ProjectPosition In
-dimensional vector (d0) In [...] v SMC_Vec Input d