MonitoringSize XWORD dwArrayOfArray [...] BrowseInfoPool ARRAY [0..27] OF BYTE [...] either have 3 bytes or
MonitoringSize XWORD dwArrayOfArray [...] Reserved ARRAY [0..11] OF BYTE [...] either have 3 bytes or
MonitoringSize XWORD dwArrayOfArray [...] either have 3 bytes or 7 bytes gap. w
ui32NumOfRandomBytes UDINT Number of bytes [...] _IEC_RESULT Generate a number of
INT Error ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE The [...] , the Bytes3+4(index
INT Error ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE The [...] , the Bytes3+4(index
array and length. In [...] Capacity UINT uiLen UINT bSwapBytes
piece of memory Methods: AllocBytes [...] _Init FreeBytes Get
BoardName ARRAY [0..(CIFX_MAX_INFO_NAME_LENTH - 1)] OF BYTE [...] BoardAlias ARRAY [0..(CIFX
BufferLen UDINT number of bytes [...] BufferLen bytes from the Char [...] read DINT Number of