NodeAddrLength INT 16#F MaxStaticNodes UINT 3 MaxStaticNodeNameLength UINT 30 Max
Qual tyIEC61850_AT_INT [...] Dur tyIEC61850_AT_UINT32 offDur tyIEC61850_AT_UINT
Type status UINT rem [...] diag_entries INT diag_data_len UINT
Type status UINT rem [...] diag_entries INT diag_data_len UINT
IEC61850_AT_VECTOR numHar UINT numCyc UINT evalTm UINT x [...] IEC61850_AT_ENUMERATED smpRate tyIEC61850_AT_UINT
Attributes OpcUa_UInt [...] Ua_LocalizedText WriteMask OpcUa_UInt32 UserWriteMask OpcUa_UInt
SDOConfig : INT InOut: Scope [...] SDOConfig INT Input w [...] uiDataLength UINT
Ua_RequestHeader SubscriptionId OpcUa_UInt [...] OfMonitoredItemIds OpcUa_Int [...] TO OpcUa_UInt32
Type status UINT diag_entries INT
_profi_rcv_con_ind : INT InOut: Scope [...] _profi_rcv_con_ind INT Input p [...] DataLength POINTER TO UINT