IDateTimeProvider.GetDateTime (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDateTime [...] Return GetDateTime
VisuFbAnalyzeTextVarsDateTime [...] _BLOCK VisuFbAnalyzeTextVarsDateTime [...] -lib code (and not
uliDateTime and tzTime [...] date and time in [...] LocalDateTime
GetDateTime (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetDateTime : DATE_AND_TIME In
date and time in [...] date and time in [...] GetDateTime (FUN
current date and time [...] local date and time [...] GetLocalDateTime
date and (UTC) time [...] TimerSwitch.GetDateTime [...] GetDateTime : ULINT
BACnetDateTime (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE BACnetDateTime [...] standard type “BACnetDateTime
VisuFbAnalyzeTextVarsDateTime [...] and converts it [...] variable’s type is DATE
VisuFbAnalyzeTextVarsDateTime [...] and converts it [...] variable’s type is TIME