String [...] _BLOCK String [...] Length Methods: Append
CharBufferString [...] Return <iLength> characters of our string
CharBufferString [...] <iLength> characters our string
SettgSetString [...] SettgSetString [...] _IEC_RESULT Write a string value
ReadArbitraryString [...] ReadArbitraryString [...] Return ReadArbitraryString
OpcUa_ByteString (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_ByteString [...] Type Length Opc
VisuFctGetMeasureString [...] VisuFctGetMeasureString [...] previous call to MeasureString
SettgGetString [...] SettgGetString [...] a string value
Length String [...] CharBufferString [...] _BLOCK CharBufferString
GetTextByStringId (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetTextByString [...] Return GetTextByString