SMC_GSentenceQueue.InitP (METH) ¶ METHOD Init [...] the program or
methods InitAlarm() or InitData(). Next the [...] -Alarm PROGRAM PLC
ReaderGetTagLen (Function) BTagReaderInit [...] _Prg (Program) Testcases [...] WriterFinish (Function) BTagWriterInit
) Enumerations PlcAppConnectionInit [...] _Exit (Method) FB_Init [...] (Property) Init
the IEC program as [...] _GEOINFO . PROGRAM Path VAR buf [...] program and is fed to
implicit read PROGRAM [...] _VAR // init address
single slave PROGRAM [...] paramter; byteData.Init
_Exit (Method) FB_Init [...] _Exit (Method) Init (Method [...] TraceAddressInfoWriter (Method) Init (Method
PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR [...] valid data diagReader.Init
program). InOut: Scope [...] _DoBeforeLeave (Action) SMC_Init