UserWithTempLockout : BOOL When a first [...] sets the value to
CompleteAccess (BOOL). If xCompleteAccess is set to TRUE [...] Execute BOOL Rising edge
State_FromArc : BOOL Given a SMC [...] to the parameter x [...] zero. See ParamState_To
structure can be used to [...] to Sys [...] BYTE instead of BOOL
Input bExecute BOOL [...] operation. bAbort BOOL If [...] _ITextStream Stream to read the CNC
to the buffer [...] .PVOID Pointer to initial data [...] Permanent BOOL TRUE => Buffer
output data to write OUTPUTS POINTER TO BYTE IO data object to
structure can be used to [...] to Sys [...] only BOOL instead of
Value POINTER TO BYTE pbyInstancePath POINTER TO BYTE tc [...] TimeRtc.SYSTIMEDATE xLogBias BOOL i
End BOOL prt POINTER TO [...] TO BYTE some