conform (ETrigA) FB to [...] TimeOut UDINT Max. operating [...] TargetDeviceNumber DWORD The device
to occupy a [...] duiFirmcode UDINT [...] Productcode UDINT ProductCode of
pass this struct to [...] adhere to this rule [...] ArrayOfArrayNesting DWORD hBrowseInfo RTS
_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the Code [...] Quantity UDINT Quantity of the
MaxTimer POINTER TO UDINT <param
GenericVariable Interface to handle [...] GenericVariable GetValueUDINT
POINTER TO Trj_EvalCache numAxes UDINT
application has to make [...] CapacityBytes UDINT The capacity of
communication FB used to communicate to or from a [...] to or from the
communication FB used to communicate to or from a [...] to or from the