Sock2Htons : WORD Converts a [...] TCP/IP network to [...] SysSock2Htons WORD
Elements POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] MouseDownInfo POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] pointer to an array of
Bytes written to pData [...] .PVOID Pointer to memory sz [...] memory in bytes where
the bytes in pby [...] Data POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to the first byte
, BYTE, WORD, etc.) or [...] Parameter POINTER TO IoConfigParameter Pointer to the
EXTENDS CBM.ETrigToA Function block to read [...] .HANDLE Handle to the open COM
Ua_Handle Handle to the encoder. Output bytes [...] of bytes written
function block serves to [...] bytes are also [...] to be read are
Bytes written to pData [...] .PVOID Pointer to memory sz [...] memory in bytes where
Bytes written to pData [...] .PVOID Pointer to memory sz [...] memory in bytes where