time, relative to [...] TO BYTE Pointer to
corresponding to a given time [...] time, relative to [...] state and on the time
IPAddress REFERENCE TO STRING IP [...] to wait until reply pulReplyTime
_RTS_SYSTIMEDATE (Function) DateTimeToString (Function) DateTimeTo [...] _STRING (Function) SysTimeDateTo
timestamp to current time [...] _INVALID_HANDLE: The handle to the [...] _PARAMETER: The handle to the
LTIME time to pass [...] elapsed time since
NotifiableTransitionOfAlarm (Function) ConvertTimestampToLDateAndTime (Function) DT_to_Timestamp (Function) DT_to
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro seconds, set to 0 to
MgrVariable g_TimeFactorTo [...] instances, that have to [...] GVL is used to
Q to TRUE PT TIME [...] signal, set to TRUE [...] edge ET TIME Elapsed