Kin_5Axes.GetKinematicsName (METH) ¶ METHOD GetKinematicsName : STRING(255) InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetKinematicsName STRING(255)
Kin_5Axes.Initialize (METH) ¶ METHOD Initialize : SMC_ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return Initialize SMC_ERROR
4AxisPalletizer ¶ Configuration Kin_4AxisPalletizer_Config (FunctionBlock) Kin_4AxisPalletizer_ReadConfig (FunctionBlock) Kin_4AxesPalletizer (FunctionBlock) AxesToCartesian (Method) CartesianToAxes (Method) GetAxisProperties (Method) GetConfigurationDataSize (Method) GetDefaultConfigurationData (Method) GetFlangeOrientationImageTotal (Method) GetFlangeOrientationImageWithOri (Method) GetKinematicsName (Method) IsSingularity (Method) NumAxes (Property)
Configuration ¶ Kin_4AxisPalletizer_Config (FunctionBlock) Kin_4AxisPalletizer_ReadConfig (FunctionBlock)
Kin_4AxisPalletizer_Config (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Kin_4AxisPalletizer_Config This FB contains the data that defines the configuration of SMC_Kin_4AxisPalletizer. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input xElbowLow BOOL Whether the angle of axis 2 plus 90° (modulo 360°) is in the range ]180°, 360°[ (TRUE) OR [0°,180°] (FALSE). xBackwards BOOL Whether axis 0 is set so that the palletizer faces the target (FALSE) or that it faces the opposite direction (TRUE). Output Config ConfigData The configuration data
Kin_4AxisPalletizer_ReadConfig (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Kin_4AxisPalletizer_ReadConfig This FB contains the data that defines the configuration of SMC_Kin_4AxisPalletizer. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input Config ConfigData The configuration data Output xElbowLow BOOL Whether the angle of axis 2 plus 90° (modulo 360°) is in the range ]180°, 360°[ (TRUE) OR [0°,180°] (FALSE). xBackwards BOOL Whether axis 0 is set so that the palletizer faces the target (FALSE) or that it faces the opposite direction (TRUE).
Kin_4AxesPalletizer (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Kin_4AxesPalletizer IMPLEMENTS ISMKinematicWithConfigurations , ISMKinematicWithInfo2 , ISMKinematicsWithOrientationImage2 Transformation FB for a 4 axes palletizer. The 4-axis palletizer is a robot type that is often used for palletizing tasks. It has 4 rotary axes (drawn in red in the figure on the right) and a fifth passive rotary axis (drawn in grey). The fifth axis mechanically keeps the gripper horizontally aligned. The coordinate system at the bottom of the robot is the machine coordinate system (MCS). Machine coordinate system (MCS) Origin The intersection of the joint axis 1 and the bottom side of the robot. X Points “forward”, i.e. in the direction the robot arm points to if it is in zero position. Y Defined by X and Z so that the MCS becomes right-handed. Z Points upward. The location of the tool coordinate system (TCS) relative to the MCS in zero position: Tool coordinate system (TCS) Origin Relative to MCS: dX = a1 + a3 + a4 dY = 0 dZ = d1 + a2 + d5 X Along the X-Axis of the MCS in positive direction Y Along the Y-Axis of the MCS in negative direction Z Along the Z-Axis of the MCS in negative direction The picture on the right shows the rotation direction of the 4 axes. The black arrows run along the joint axis. The direction of rotation is defined according to the “right-hand rule”: If the thumb of the right hand is along with the arrow, then the positive direction of rotation is along with the slightly curved fingers of the hand. For example, seen from the top, the positive direction of rotation of axis 0 is counterclockwise, axis 1 and axis 2 tilt forward. The picture on the right shows the kinematics in zero position of all axes: The names of the parameters are according to the Denavit-Hartenberg convention. Robots with the following Denavit-Hartenberg configuration are supported (the values of d_i and a_i are supplied in the configuration): joint number joint offset link offset d_i link length a_i link twist 0 0° d1 a1 -90° 1 -90° 0 a2 0° 2 90° 0 a3 0° 3 0° 0 a4 90° 4 0° d5 0 180° The single axes values have the following interpretation: a0 position of the first rotary axis around Z in degrees a1 position of the second rotary axis in degrees a2 position of the third rotary axis in degrees a3 position of the fourth rotary axis in negative direction of Z axis in degrees The palletizer supports all orientations, except for those where the Z-axis of the tool coordinate system (TCS) points in the same direction as the Z-axis of the machine coordinate system (MCS). For example, the orientation (A=0°, B=0°, C=0°) (expressed in the MCS) is outside of the working space. Due to mechanical constraints, the palletizer robot can only realize orientations with the Z-axis pointing downwards (in opposite direction of the Z-axis of the MCS). Commanded orientations with a tilted z-axis are projected to the closest attainable orientation. Note This position kinematics does not support orientation mode “Axis” for CP movements. Attributes: sm_kin_libdoc InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input d1 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter d1, >= 0 a1 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter a1, >= 0 a2 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter a2, > 0 a3 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter a3, > 0 a4 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter a4, >= 0 d5 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter d5, < 0 Properties: NumAxes Methods: AxesToCartesian CartesianToAxes GetAxisProperties GetConfigurationDataSize GetDefaultConfigurationData GetFlangeOrientationImageTotal GetFlangeOrientationImageWithOri GetKinematicsName IsSingularity Structure: AxesToCartesian (Method) CartesianToAxes (Method) GetAxisProperties (Method) GetConfigurationDataSize (Method) GetDefaultConfigurationData (Method) GetFlangeOrientationImageTotal (Method) GetFlangeOrientationImageWithOri (Method) GetKinematicsName (Method) IsSingularity (Method) NumAxes (Property)
「Kin_CAxis」(FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Kin_CAxis IMPLEMENTS ISMToolKinematics2 , ISMKinematicWithInfo2 、 ISMKinematicWithConfigurations4 、 ISMKinPeriodHandling 、 ISMKinematicWithInitialization 、 ISMOrientationKinematicsWithOriImage C 軸の変換 FB です。TCP は Z 軸だけ向きを変えます。 Kin_CAxis_Tool でのようにはシフトしません。 単一の軸の値には以下の解釈があります。 a0 ヨー軸/C 軸の角度 (度) The zero position of the kinematics can be adjusted by defining a constant offset for the axis. See input dOffsetC . この変換の作業スペースは、X または Y 軸周辺を 180° 回転するものを除くすべての方向です。これらは、厳密にツールの z 軸がベースの座標系の Z 軸の反対を向く方向です。 属性: sm_kin_libdoc 入出力: スコープ 名前 タイプ コメント 入力 dOffsetC LREAL 軸 C の追加オフセットです。このオフセットは、順変換前に差し引かれ、逆変換の後に加算されます。 Properties: NumAxes Methods: ActivateAutomaticRotaryPeriods AxesToCartesian CPConnectible CartesianToAxes GetAxisProperties GetConfigurationDataSize GetDefaultConfigurationData GetKinematicsName GetOrientationImage GetPeriods GetPositionFromOrientation GetPositionFromOrientation2 Initialize IsCompatibleWithPosKin IsConfigSingular IsInitialized IsSingularity Structure: ActivateAutomaticRotaryPeriods (Method) AxesToCartesian (Method) CPConnectible (Method) CartesianToAxes (Method) GetAxisProperties (Method) GetConfigurationDataSize (Method) GetDefaultConfigurationData (Method) GetKinematicsName (Method) GetOrientationImage (Method) GetPeriods (Method) GetPositionFromOrientation (Method) GetPositionFromOrientation2 (Method) Initialize (Method) IsCompatibleWithPosKin (Method) IsConfigSingular (Method) IsInitialized (Method) IsSingularity (Method) NumAxes (Property)
「Kin_CAxis_Tool」(FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Kin_CAxis_Tool IMPLEMENTS ISMToolKinematics2 , ISMKinematicWithInfo2 、 ISMKinematicWithConfigurations4 、 ISMKinPeriodHandling 、 ISMOrientationKinematicsWithOriImage 固定オフセットでの C 軸ツールの変換です。TCP 座標系の原点は、フランジ座標系システムの原点からの指定オフセットによりシフトします。a0 = 0° に関して、TCP 座標系の方向はフランジ座標系の方向に等しいです。 単一の軸の値には以下の解釈があります。 a0 ヨー軸/C 軸の角度 (度) The zero position of the kinematics can be adjusted by defining a constant offset for the axis. See input dOffsetC . この変換の作業スペースは、X または Y 軸周辺を 180° 回転するものを除くすべての方向です。これらは、厳密にツールの z 軸がベースの座標系の Z 軸の反対を向く方向です。注: 入力「dToolX、dToolY、dToolZ」はフランジ座標系に対するベース座標系のオフセットです。任意のツール (オフセットおよび回転付き) を構成するには、ファンクションブロック SMC_GroupSetTool を参照してください。 属性: sm_kin_libdoc 入出力: スコープ 名前 タイプ コメント 入力 dToolX LREAL X 方向でのオフセットです。 dToolY LREAL Y 方向でのオフセットです。 dToolZ LREAL Z 方向でのオフセットです。 dOffsetC LREAL 軸 C の追加オフセットです。このオフセットは、順変換前に差し引かれ、逆変換の後に加算されます。 Properties: NumAxes Methods: ActivateAutomaticRotaryPeriods AxesToCartesian CPConnectible CartesianToAxes GetAxisProperties GetConfigurationDataSize GetDefaultConfigurationData GetKinematicsName GetOrientationImage GetPeriods GetPositionFromOrientation GetPositionFromOrientation2 IsCompatibleWithPosKin IsConfigSingular IsSingularity Structure: ActivateAutomaticRotaryPeriods (Method) AxesToCartesian (Method) CPConnectible (Method) CartesianToAxes (Method) GetAxisProperties (Method) GetConfigurationDataSize (Method) GetDefaultConfigurationData (Method) GetKinematicsName (Method) GetOrientationImage (Method) GetPeriods (Method) GetPositionFromOrientation (Method) GetPositionFromOrientation2 (Method) IsCompatibleWithPosKin (Method) IsConfigSingular (Method) IsSingularity (Method) NumAxes (Property)
「Kin_Tool」(FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Kin_Tool IMPLEMENTS ISMToolKinematics2 , ISMKinematicWithInfo2 、 ISMOrientationKinematicsWithOriImage 一定平行移動による変換。TCP は一定の位置ベクトル (dToolX、dToolY、dToolZ) についてシフトします。このキネマティクスの方向は、ベース (位置) キネマティクスを基準にして変更されることはありません。注: 入力「dToolX、dToolY、dToolZ」はフランジ座標系に対するベース座標系のオフセットです。任意のツール (オフセットおよび回転付き) を構成するには、ファンクションブロック SMC_GroupSetTool を参照してください。 属性: sm_kin_libdoc 入出力: スコープ 名前 タイプ コメント 入力 dToolX LREAL X 方向でのオフセットです。 dToolY LREAL Y 方向でのオフセットです。 dToolZ LREAL Z 方向でのオフセットです。 Properties: NumAxes Methods: AxesToCartesian CartesianToAxes GetAxisProperties GetKinematicsName GetOrientationImage GetPositionFromOrientation GetPositionFromOrientation2 IsCompatibleWithPosKin IsSingularity Structure: AxesToCartesian (Method) CartesianToAxes (Method) GetAxisProperties (Method) GetKinematicsName (Method) GetOrientationImage (Method) GetPositionFromOrientation (Method) GetPositionFromOrientation2 (Method) IsCompatibleWithPosKin (Method) IsSingularity (Method) NumAxes (Property)