Kin_ArticulatedRobot_6DOF (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Kin_ArticulatedRobot_6DOF EXTENDS Kin_Coupled Transformation FB for a 6 axes articulated robot. The machine coordinate system is shown at the bottom of axis 0. Machine coordinate system (MCS) Origin The intersection of axis 0 and the bottom of the robot. X Points “forward” towards the tool center point. Y Defined by X and Z so that the MCS becomes right-handed. Z Points upward. The sense of rotation is indicated by black arrows. The arrows point along the axis. The positive sense of rotation is given by the right-hand rule. For example, when axis 0 is turned in positive direction, the robot rotates counterclockwise when viewed from above. The three orientation axes of the robot’s hand intersect in a single point, the wrist center point. The location of the tool coordinate system (TCS) relative to the MCS in zero position: Tool coordinate system (TCS) Origin Relative to MCS: dX = a1 + d4 + d6 dY = -d3 dZ = d1 + a2 + a3 X Along the Z-Axis of the MCS in positive direction Y Along the Y-Axis of the MCS in negative direction Z Along the X-Axis of the MCS in positive direction The left figure shows the reference position of the kinematic, i.e. the position when all axes are in their zero-position. The names and signs of the parameters are due to the Denavit-Hartenberg convention. The right figure shows the additional Denavit-Hartenberg parameter d3. Robots with the following Denavit-Hartenberg configuration are supported (the values of d_i and a_i are supplied in the configuration): joint number joint offset link offset d_i link length a_i link twist 0 0° d1 a1 90° 1 90° 0 a2 0° 2 0° d3 a3 90° 3 0° d4 0 90° 4 0° 0 0 -90° 5 0° d6 0 0° In contrast to our convention, the Z axis of the tool coordinate system points in the direction of the tool, that is, away from the robot. The single axes values have the following interpretation: a0 position of the first rotary axis in degrees a1 position of the second rotary axis in degrees a2 position of the third rotary axis in degrees a3 position of the fourth rotary axis in degrees a4 position of the fifth rotary axis in degrees a5 position of the sixth rotary axis in degrees The zero position of the kinematics can be adjusted by defining constant offsets for the axes. See inputs dOffsetA0 , dOffsetA1 , dOffsetA2 , dOffsetA3 , dOffsetA4 and dOffsetA5 . Changing the offsets affects the location and orientation of the TCS. The axes are constrained as follows: Axis Configurable Default Min/Max a0 YES [-180°, 180°] Unlimited a1 YES [-180°, 180°] Unlimited a2 YES [-90°, 180°] Unlimited a3 YES [-180°, 180°] Unlimited a4 YES [-180°, 180°] [-180°, 180°] a5 YES [0°, 360°] Unlimited Configurable means that the limits can be customized by defining and activating software limits in the assigned axis. If the software limits are not activated, the kinematics uses default values. Note: Custom limits have to be in the range of Min/Max, otherwise an error is reported. Attributes: sm_kin_libdoc InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inherited from Input itfPosKin ISMPositionKinematics Kin_Coupled itfOriKin ISMOrientationKinematics Kin_Coupled d1 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter d1, >= 0 a1 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter a1, >= 0 a2 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter a2, > 0 d3 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter d3 a3 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter a3, >= 0 d4 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter d4, >= 0 d6 LREAL Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter d6, >= 0 dOffsetA0 LREAL Additional offset of axis A0. This offset is subtracted before the forward transformation and added after the inverse transformation. dOffsetA1 LREAL Additional offset of axis A1. This offset is subtracted before the forward transformation and added after the inverse transformation. dOffsetA2 LREAL Additional offset of axis A2. This offset is subtracted before the forward transformation and added after the inverse transformation. dOffsetA3 LREAL Additional offset of axis A3. This offset is subtracted before the forward transformation and added after the inverse transformation. dOffsetA4 LREAL Additional offset of axis A4. This offset is subtracted before the forward transformation and added after the inverse transformation. dOffsetA5 LREAL Additional offset of axis A5. This offset is subtracted before the forward transformation and added after the inverse transformation. Properties: NumAxes , inherited from Kin_Coupled Methods: GetKinematicsName Initialize ActivateAutomaticRotaryPeriods , inherited from Kin_Coupled AxesToCartesian , inherited from Kin_Coupled AxisSettings , inherited from Kin_Coupled CPConnectible , inherited from Kin_Coupled CartesianToAxes , inherited from Kin_Coupled GetAxisMapping , inherited from Kin_Coupled GetAxisMapping2 , inherited from Kin_Coupled GetAxisProperties , inherited from Kin_Coupled GetConfigurationDataSize , inherited from Kin_Coupled GetDefaultConfigurationData , inherited from Kin_Coupled GetFlangeOrientationImageTotal , inherited from Kin_Coupled GetFlangeOrientationImageWithOri , inherited from Kin_Coupled GetPeriods , inherited from Kin_Coupled GetPosAndToolKinematics , inherited from Kin_Coupled IsConfigSingular , inherited from Kin_Coupled IsInitialized , inherited from Kin_Coupled IsSingularity , inherited from Kin_Coupled JoinAxes , inherited from Kin_Coupled JoinConfig , inherited from Kin_Coupled SplitAxes , inherited from Kin_Coupled SplitConfig , inherited from Kin_Coupled Structure: GetKinematicsName (Method) Initialize (Method)