SupportedCommunicationState : BOOL The [...] to check if it is [...] CurrentSupportedCommunicationState is used to check
SupportedCommunicationState : BOOL The [...] to check if it is [...] CurrentSupportedCommunicationState is used to check
is used to [...] to the FB SMC [...] connected to the
Init : BOOL [...] application has to make [...] D POINTER TO BYTE Data
command to the slave [...] Data XWORD pointer to data [...] CompleteAccess BOOL true if
situation to this item [...] ItemBase.Quality| to |Item [...] Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT The error code to
Data POINTER TO BYTE dwOffset XWORD bMotorola BOOL [...] TO UDINT
Interruptible : BOOL Whether this [...] there to the original [...] approximately leads to the
to is already Done [...] close to the end of a [...] assigned to. trigger
ClEnable BOOL xClActive BOOL xClBusy BOOL xClError BOOL iClError INT x