Kin_CAxis_Config (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Kin_CAxis_Config This FB contains the data that defines the configuration of Kin_CAxis and Kin_CAxis_Tool . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input nPeriodC DINT Determines the period used for orientation axis C. If the range of C is greater than 360°, the period to choose can be set here. If the value is zero, then the period is determined automatically, based on the last position. A positive value i > 0 means the range [360°*(i-1)-180° .. 360°*i-180°[ is used. A negative value i < 0 means the range [360°*i-180° .. 360°*(i+1)-180°[ is used. Note if nPeriodC <> 0 and the chosen period is not feasible due to the axis limits, an error is created during transformation (CartesianToAxes). Output Config ConfigData The configuration data
Kin_CAxis_ReadConfig (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Kin_CAxis_ReadConfig This FB reads configuration data of Kin_CAxis and Kin_CAxis_Tool . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input Config ConfigData The configuration data Output nPeriodC DINT Determines the period used for orientation axis C. If the range of C is greater than 360°, the period to choose can be set here. If the value is zero, then the period is determined automatically, based on the last position. A positive value i > 0 means the range [360°*(i-1)-180° .. 360°*i-180°[ is used. A negative value i < 0 means the range [360°*i-180° .. 360°*(i+1)-180°[ is used. Note if nPeriodC <> 0 and the chosen period is not feasible due to the axis limits, an error is created during transformation (CartesianToAxes).
Kin_Wrist2_B_State (ENUM) ¶ TYPE Kin_Wrist2_B_State : The possible configuration states of the second joint a1 of Kin_Wrist2 . Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment POSITIVE The angle of joint a1 is positive NEGATIVE The angle of joint a1 is negative ZERO The angle of joint a1 is zero, singular configuration
Kin_Wrist2_Config (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Kin_Wrist2_Config This FB contains the data that defines the configuration of Kin_Wrist2 . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input A1State Kin_Wrist2_B_State The state of the second joing a1 Output Config ConfigData The configuration data
AXISPOS_REF (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE AXISPOS_REF : STRUCT Stores the position of each axis used in an axis group. Note depending on the used kinematics, only a prefix of the values is used, e.g. a0, a1, and a2 for a kinematics with three degrees of freedom. InOut: Name Type Comment a0 LREAL Position of axis 0 a1 LREAL Position of axis 1 a2 LREAL Position of axis 2 a3 LREAL Position of axis 3 a4 LREAL Position of axis 4 a5 LREAL Position of axis 5
Axis_Properties (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Axis_Properties : STRUCT The properties of a kinematic axis. Note that a rotary axis that is assumed to be programmed in angular degrees. InOut: Name Type Comment eType Axis_Type Linear or rotary joint? limits AXISLIMITS The limits of the joint coming from the kinematics. (Note that the axis connected to the joint may also have software limits. The intersection of axis- and joint- limits is used.)
Axis_Settings (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Axis_Settings : STRUCT The setings for a kinematic axis. InOut: Name Type Comment limits AXISLIMITS The axis limits to apply. Note: if limits.xUnlimited is set, then limits.dLower and limits.dUpper are ignored.
Axis_Type (ENUM) ¶ TYPE Axis_Type : The possible types of a kinemtic axis. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment Linear A linear axis. Rotary A rotary axis, programmed in angular degrees.
IecTaskGetFirst (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IecTaskGetFirst : RTS_IEC_HANDLE Get the first IEC task in the specified application InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return IecTaskGetFirst RTS_IEC_HANDLE Returns the handle to the first IEC task Input pszAppName POINTER TO STRING Application name pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT Pointer that returns the runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library)
IecTaskGetInfo3 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IecTaskGetInfo3 : POINTER TO Task_Info2 Function returns the task information of the specified task InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return IecTaskGetInfo3 POINTER TO Task_Info2 Return a pointer to the task info structure Input hIecTask RTS_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the specified task pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT Pointer that returns the runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library)