_BLOCK SMC_R_Tool_Data In [...] .Kin_Tool Output dX LREAL dY LREAL dZ LREAL
_CrossProductNormed InOut: Scope Name Type Input v1 SMC_Vector3d v2 SMC_Vector3d
_MultVector : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] Src POINTER TO SMC_Vector3D [...] SMC_Vector3D d
transformations in the CNC online help. In [...] Initial Comment Input d
: qualified_only In [...] _R_Pos_RRR_Data STRUCT(d1 := 320, a1 := 0, a2 := 225, d
PrimLine_Create InOut: Scope Name [...] Fun Inout Const vS SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D vD SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D
_R_Pos_RRR_Data InOut: Scope Name [...] .Kin_Pos_RRR Output d1 LREAL 32 a [...] .5 d3 LREAL 3.5 a
-axis in degree d [...] in the CNC online help. InOut: Scope
in t.u. d [...] arm 2 in t.u. d [...] _Trafo_POUs . InOut: Scope Name
OnBisector : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] Dst SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D Inout Const v SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D