DynVState_ApplyParamState (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynVState_ApplyParamState : BOOL Assuming uDst(x) = uSrc(sigma(x)), and given ps = (sigma(x), sigma’(x), sigma’’(x)), computes the first two derivatives of uDst(x) according to the chain rule. InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynVState_ApplyParamState BOOL Inout uDst SMRB.DynVState Inout Const uSrc SMRB.DynVState ps ParamState Input bCompute3rdDeriv BOOL
DynVState_UnapplyParamState (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynVState_UnapplyParamState : BOOL Assuming uSrc(x) = uDst(sigma(x)), and given ps = (sigma(x), sigma’(x), sigma’’(x)), computes the first two derivatives of uDst(sigma(x)) according to the chain rule. Note: if sigma’(x) = 0, then an error is returned. InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynVState_UnapplyParamState BOOL Inout uDst SMRB.DynVState Inout Const uSrc SMRB.DynVState ps ParamState
Coupled_SplitAxisInfos (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Coupled_SplitAxisInfos : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Coupled_SplitAxisInfos BOOL Inout aInfosPos AxisInfos aInfosOri AxisInfos Inout Const aInfos AxisInfos Input kinCoupled TRAFO.ISMCoupledKinematics
CreateCS_4Points (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CreateCS_4Points : BOOL Creates a coo Creates a coordinate system with a given origin v0. The x-axis is chosen in direction v1 .. v2. The y-axis is chosen in direction v2 .. v3. The z-axis is computed as X x Y. InOut: Scope Name Type Return CreateCS_4Points BOOL Inout fCS SM3M.SMC_Frame Inout Const v0 SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D v1 SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D v2 SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D v3 SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D
CheckPosLimits (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CheckPosLimits : BOOL Checks of the software limits of all axes InOut: Scope Name Type Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext Inout Const a TRAFO.AXISPOS_REF aInfos AxisInfos Input nNumAxes UDINT Return CheckPosLimits BOOL
CheckPosLimitsAxisSpaceFun (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CheckPosLimitsAxisSpaceFun : BOOL Software limit check for axis positions resulting from evaluating an axis space function. Such axis positions are allowed to be outside the software limits, but they must not move away from the limits. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext Inout Const a TRAFO.AXISPOS_REF aPrev TRAFO.AXISPOS_REF aInfos AxisInfos Input nNumAxes UDINT Return CheckPosLimitsAxisSpaceFun BOOL
ElemFun_IsArcLengthParam (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ElemFun_IsArcLengthParam : BOOL Returns whether the internal element parameter is arc length InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const ef ElemFun Return ElemFun_IsArcLengthParam BOOL
ElemFun_Serialize (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL ElemFun_Serializer Methods: Serialize Structure: Serialize (Method)
ElemFunQueue_Serialize (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ElemFunQueue_Serialize : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return ElemFunQueue_Serialize BOOL Input stream SM0.IOutStream k0 UDINT Inout Const q PathQueue Output nElemFuns UDINT
DynLimitsA_Serialize (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynLimitsA_Serialize : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynLimitsA_Serialize BOOL Input stream SM0.IOutStream Inout Const dla DynLimitsA