ElemFunQueue.GetFromStart (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL GetFromStart : POINTER TO ElemFun Returns a pointer to the n-th element if the queue is at least n elements, otherwise 0. The pointer is valid until the next call to RemoveFirst. Only to be called safely from the reading task, or when it is made sure that no elements are removed concurrently. InOut: Scope Name Type Input n UDINT Return GetFromStart POINTER TO ElemFun
ElemFunQueue.GetIdxFromPtr (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL GetIdxFromPtr : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Input pef POINTER TO ElemFun Return GetIdxFromPtr BOOL Output idx UDINT
ElemFunQueue.Full (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL Full : BOOL Returns whether the queue is full. InOut: Scope Name Type Return Full BOOL
ElemFunQueue.GetFromEnd (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL GetFromEnd : POINTER TO ElemFun Returns a pointer to the n-last element if the queue is at least n elements, otherwise 0. The pointer is valid until the next call to RemoveFirst. Only to be called safely from the writing task, or when it is made sure that no elements are removed concurrently. InOut: Scope Name Type Input n UDINT Return GetFromEnd POINTER TO ElemFun
ElemFunQueue.RemoveLast (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL RemoveLast : SMC_ERROR Removes the last element of the queue. Invalidates the pointer returned by a prior call to GetFirst. Note: only safe if the queue is filled and read from the same task. InOut: Scope Name Type Return RemoveLast SMC_ERROR
ElemFunQueue.RemoveLastN (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL RemoveLastN : SMC_ERROR Removes the last N element of the queue. Invalidates the pointer returned by a prior call to GetFirst. Note: only safe if the queue is filled and read from the same task. InOut: Scope Name Type Input n UDINT Return RemoveLastN SMC_ERROR
ElemFunQueue.NumElems (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL NumElems : UDINT Returns the number of elements currently in the queue. InOut: Scope Name Type Return NumElems UDINT
ElemFunQueue.RemoveAll (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL RemoveAll : SMC_ERROR Removes all movements of the queue and resets the end of data flag. Invalidates the pointer returned by a prior call to GetFirst. Only safe to be called from the consumer task. InOut: Scope Name Type Return RemoveAll SMC_ERROR
ElemFunQueue.Reset (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL Reset : SMC_ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return Reset SMC_ERROR
ElemFunQueue.SetPointer (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL SetPointer : BOOL Method to cyclically set the pointer for the queue-storage. The pointer needs to be udpated every cycle because it could change due to an online-change. InOut: Scope Name Type Input pD POINTER TO BYTE pDTraces POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF ElemFunTrace Return SetPointer BOOL Output bPointerChanged BOOL