SMC_TG_Ramp_Trapezoid.Interpolate (METH) ¶ METHOD Interpolate InOut: Scope Name Type Inout dyn SMC_TG_DynState Input fTime LREAL
SMC_TG_Ramp_Trapezoid.Set (METH) ¶ METHOD Set InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const lim SMC_Q_LIMITS boun SMC_TG_RAMP_BOUNDARIES Output fDistance LREAL fDuration LREAL
SMC_TG_DynState_ScaleAndOffset (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_TG_DynState_ScaleAndOffset This function scales and offsets a given SMC_TG_DynState dynIn(x). dynOut(x) = scale*dynIn(x) + offset. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout dynOut SMC_TG_DynState Inout Const dynIn SMC_TG_DynState Input scale LREAL offset LREAL
SMC_TG_DynState_ScalingComposition (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_TG_DynState_ScalingComposition Computes the value and the first three derivatives of a composed function a(b(x)) at x0 with b(x) being a linear function b(x) = scaleFactor*x + const. This function implements a special case of SMC_TG_DynState_Compose . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout dyn SMC_TG_DynState The resulting dyn state Inout Const dynA SMC_TG_DynState The value and the first three derivatives of function a at x0 Input scaleFactor LREAL The (scale) factor of the linear function.
SMC_DCA_PHASE_TYPE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SMC_DCA_PHASE_TYPE : The different supported kinds of motion phases. See SMC_DCA_PHASE . InOut: Name Initial Comment SMC_linear_pos_ramp 1 Motion with constant velocity SMC_linear_vel_ramp 2 Motion with linearly changing velocity SMC_sinsquare_vel_ramp 3 Motion with changing velocity according to a sin² profile SMC_linear_acc_ramp 4 Motion with linearly changing acceleration SMC_smooth_acc_ramp 5 Motion with changing acceleration according to a smoothed curve
GVL (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Constant SMC_gc_maxMonotonicityBoundaries SINT 4
Helper ¶ SMC_TG_Ramp_ValidDynRange (Function)
ChangeToolOffset (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ChangeToolOffset : BOOL Given the TCP position in some coordinate system (ECS), together with the tool offset for this position, this function will compute a new TCP position in the ECS so that the flange of the kinematics remains at the same position when a new tool offset is used. Assumes that both fToolOffset0 and fToolOffset1 are compatible with the kinematics. Postcondition: GetFlange(fTCP1_MCS, fToolOffset1) = GetFlange(fTCP0_MCS, fToolOffset0). InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext fTCP1_ECS SM3M.SMC_Frame The modified TCP so that GetFlange(fTCP1_MCS, fToolOffset1) = GetFlange(fTCP0_MCS, fToolOffset0). Inout Const fTCP0_ECS SM3M.SMC_Frame The original TCP position in the ECS, corresponding to fToolOffset0. fToolOffset0 SM3M.SMC_Frame The original tool offset. fToolOffset1 SM3M.SMC_Frame The new tool offset. cs ElemFun_CS The ECS coordinate system cd TRAFO.CONFIGDATA Input t LREAL kin TRAFO.MC_KIN_REF_SM3 Return ChangeToolOffset BOOL
ElemFunPose (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE ElemFunPose : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment t ElemFunPoseType pef POINTER TO ElemFun Only set and used for variable poses f SM3M.SMC_Frame a TRAFO.AXISPOS_REF cs ElemFun_CS fToolOffset SM3M.SMC_Frame aInfos AxisInfos Only set and used for constant (non-static) poses