Quadratic ¶ SMC_TG_Ramp_Quadratic (FunctionBlock) Interpolate (Method) Set (Method) To_Phases (Method) SMC_TG_Ramptype_Quadratic (FunctionBlock) GetMonotonicityBoundariesEnd (Method) GetMonotonicityBoundariesStart (Method) IsAllowedAccelerationJump (Property) IsInterruptible (Property) Select (Method)
SMC_TG_Ramp_Quadratic (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK SMC_TG_Ramp_Quadratic IMPLEMENTS SMC_TG_IRAMP Methods: Interpolate Set To_Phases Structure: Interpolate (Method) Set (Method) To_Phases (Method)
SMC_TG_Ramp_Quadratic.Interpolate (METH) ¶ METHOD Interpolate InOut: Scope Name Type Inout dyn SMC_TG_DynState Input fTime LREAL
SMC_TG_Ramp_Quadratic.Set (METH) ¶ METHOD Set InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const lim SMC_Q_LIMITS boun SMC_TG_RAMP_BOUNDARIES Output fDistance LREAL fDuration LREAL
SMC_TG_Ramp_Quadratic.To_Phases (METH) ¶ METHOD To_Phases : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return To_Phases BOOL Inout lim SMC_Q_LIMITS diNoPhases DINT Input pPhases POINTER TO SMC_DCA_PHASE bSmooth BOOL fEpsilon LREAL
SMC_TG_Ramptype_Quadratic (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK SMC_TG_Ramptype_Quadratic IMPLEMENTS SMC_TG_IRAMPTYPE Properties: IsAllowedAccelerationJump IsInterruptible Methods: GetMonotonicityBoundariesEnd GetMonotonicityBoundariesStart Select Structure: GetMonotonicityBoundariesEnd (Method) GetMonotonicityBoundariesStart (Method) IsAllowedAccelerationJump (Property) IsInterruptible (Property) Select (Method)
SMC_TG_Ramptype_Quadratic.GetMonotonicityBoundariesEnd (METH) ¶ METHOD GetMonotonicityBoundariesEnd InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout av ARRAY [0..(SMC_gc_maxMonotonicityBoundaries - 1)] OF LREAL array containing the results of the computation Inout Const lim SMC_Q_LIMITS Input param SMC_TG_MonotonicityParams Output nrBoundaries SINT the number of monotonicity boundaries
SMC_TG_Ramptype_Quadratic.GetMonotonicityBoundariesStart (METH) ¶ METHOD GetMonotonicityBoundariesStart InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout av ARRAY [0..(SMC_gc_maxMonotonicityBoundaries - 1)] OF LREAL array containing the results of the computation Inout Const lim SMC_Q_LIMITS Input param SMC_TG_MonotonicityParams Output nrBoundaries SINT the number of monotonicity boundaries
SMC_TG_Ramptype_Quadratic.IsAllowedAccelerationJump (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY IsAllowedAccelerationJump : BOOL whether the acceleration may jump when using this ramptype
SMC_TG_Ramptype_Quadratic.IsInterruptible (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY IsInterruptible : BOOL whether this ramptype is interruptible