SM3_Ramps Library Documentation ¶ Company : CODESYS Title : SM3_Ramps Version : Categories : Intern|SoftMotion Namespace : SM3_Ramps Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Placeholder : SM3_Ramps Description [ 1 ] ¶ Library containing SoftMotion standard ramptypes and interfaces for creating customized ramptypes Contents: ¶ SM3_Ramps DynState Enums GVL (GVL) Helper Interfaces Quadratic SMC_StandardRamps (FunctionBlock) Structs Trapez Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on SM3_Ramps.library, last modified 26.07.2024, 11:50:02. LibDoc The content file SM3_Ramps.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 26.07.2024, 11:50:04.
SM3_Ramps ¶ DynState SMC_TG_DynState_Add (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_Compose (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_Equal (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_Interpolate (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_InterpolatingPoly (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_Max (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_Min (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_ScaleAndOffset (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_ScalingComposition (Function) Enums SMC_DCA_PHASE_TYPE (Enum) GVL (GVL) Helper SMC_TG_Ramp_ValidDynRange (Function) Interfaces SMC_TG_IRAMP (Interface) Interpolate (Method) Set (Method) SMC_TG_IRAMPTYPE (Interface) GetMonotonicityBoundariesEnd (Method) GetMonotonicityBoundariesStart (Method) IsAllowedAccelerationJump (Property) IsInterruptible (Property) Select (Method) Quadratic SMC_TG_Ramp_Quadratic (FunctionBlock) Interpolate (Method) Set (Method) To_Phases (Method) SMC_TG_Ramptype_Quadratic (FunctionBlock) GetMonotonicityBoundariesEnd (Method) GetMonotonicityBoundariesStart (Method) IsAllowedAccelerationJump (Property) IsInterruptible (Property) Select (Method) SMC_StandardRamps (FunctionBlock) Structs SMC_DCA_PHASE (Struct) SMC_Q_LIMITS (Struct) SMC_TG_DynState (Struct) SMC_TG_MonotonicityParams (Struct) SMC_TG_RAMP_BOUNDARIES (Struct) Trapez SMC_TG_Ramp_Trapezoid (FunctionBlock) Interpolate (Method) Set (Method) To_Phases (Method) SMC_TG_Ramptype_Trapezoid (FunctionBlock) GetMonotonicityBoundariesEnd (Method) GetMonotonicityBoundariesStart (Method) IsAllowedAccelerationJump (Property) IsInterruptible (Property) Select (Method)
DynState ¶ SMC_TG_DynState_Add (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_Compose (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_Equal (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_Interpolate (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_InterpolatingPoly (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_Max (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_Min (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_ScaleAndOffset (Function) SMC_TG_DynState_ScalingComposition (Function)
SMC_TG_DynState_Add (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_TG_DynState_Add InOut: Scope Name Type Inout dyn SMC_TG_DynState Inout Const dynA SMC_TG_DynState dynB SMC_TG_DynState
SMC_TG_DynState_Compose (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_TG_DynState_Compose Computes the value and the first three derivatives of a composed function a(b(x)) at x0 given the value and the first three derivatives of a at x0 and of b at g(x0). InOut: Scope Name Type Inout dyn SMC_TG_DynState Inout Const dynA SMC_TG_DynState dynB SMC_TG_DynState
SMC_TG_DynState_Equal (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_TG_DynState_Equal : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const dynA SMC_TG_DynState dynB SMC_TG_DynState Return SMC_TG_DynState_Equal BOOL
SMC_TG_DynState_Interpolate (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_TG_DynState_Interpolate Interpolates between two dynstates. See |SMC_TG_DynState_TimeForPos| for the inverse functionality. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout dynX SMC_TG_DynState The resulting state at time t Inout Const dyn0 SMC_TG_DynState The state at time 0 dyn1 SMC_TG_DynState The state at time deltaT Input t LREAL The time at which to interpolate in seconds deltaT LREAL The time difference between dyn0 and dyn1 in seconds xPeriod LREAL If the dynstates are from a modulo axis the modulo period, otherwise 0.
SMC_TG_DynState_InterpolatingPoly (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_TG_DynState_InterpolatingPoly InOut: Scope Name Type Inout poly SMC_POLYNOMIAL Inout Const dyn0 SMC_TG_DynState dyn1 SMC_TG_DynState Input deltaT LREAL xPeriod LREAL
SMC_TG_DynState_Max (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_TG_DynState_Max This function returns the maximum of two dyn states. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout dynMin SMC_TG_DynState Inout Const dynA SMC_TG_DynState dynB SMC_TG_DynState
SMC_TG_DynState_Min (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_TG_DynState_Min This function returns the minimum of two dyn states. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout dynMin SMC_TG_DynState Inout Const dynA SMC_TG_DynState dynB SMC_TG_DynState