Trj_FailureCause (ENUM) ¶ TYPE Trj_FailureCause : Possible failure-causes of the CP-Planner ( Trj_CP_Single ). A failure is a condition that prevents to use the maximum admissible jerk for the next planning cycle. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment None No failure occurred TimeBudgetExceeded The time budget given to the scheduler has been exceeded. MaxIterExceeded The maximum number of iterations has been exceeded. LimitViolated A limit of an axis has been violated. Other Some other error has occurred. See the SMC_Error value.
Trj_CP_Sampler (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL Trj_CP_Sampler Methods: CreateSamples Structure: CreateSamples (Method)
Trj_CP_Sampler.CreateSamples (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL CreateSamples : SMC_ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Inout sampleQueue Trj_PlanningSampleQueue trs Trj_State bFirstSample BOOL stats Trj_Statistics Inout Const result Trj_PlanningResult cfg Trj_PlanningConfig Input dMinTime LREAL nTrajectory TrajectoryId Return CreateSamples SMC_ERROR Output bTrajectoryDone BOOL dTSamplesProduced LREAL
Trj_CP_Stop.Compute (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL Compute : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext iv Trj_Interval tiv Trj_TargetInterval jerkBounds Trj_JerkBounds timer SMRB.TimerHires result Trj_PlanningResult plTime PlannerTime Inout Const cfg Trj_PlanningConfig trsInit Trj_State Input dTau1_I LREAL Return Compute BOOL Output trjDur LREAL trjEnd LREAL
Trj_CP_Target (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL Trj_CP_Target Methods: Compute Structure: Compute (Method)
Trj_CP_Stop (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL Trj_CP_Stop Methods: Compute Structure: Compute (Method)
IDENT_IN_GROUP_REF_SM3 (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE IDENT_IN_GROUP_REF_SM3 : UDINT 0-based identifier of the axes of an axis group
MC_CIRC_PATHCHOICE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE MC_CIRC_PATHCHOICE : Determines the direction of arc segments. See MC_MoveCircularAbsolute and MC_MoveCircularRelative . Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name CLOCKWISE COUNTER_CLOCKWISE
MC_COORD_REF (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE MC_COORD_REF : STRUCT Stores the position and orientation of the TCP. The orientation is stored with three angles A, B, C according to the ZY’Z’ euler angles convention. The new coordinate system is defined relative to the reference coordinate system Initially is identical with the reference coordinate system. First, it is turned by A degrees around the z axis of the reference system. Second, it is turned about B degrees around the resulting y’ axis. Third, it is turned about C degrees around the resulting z’’ axis. The corresponding rotation matrix is given by R = Rz(A) * Ry(B) * Rz(C). In this matrix, the columns correspond to the axes of the new coordinate system, expressed in coordinates of the reference coordinate system. Note If A, B, C are computed by the system, the angle B is normalized to the range 0° .. 180°. If B is 0° or 180°, C is set to 0°. InOut: Name Type Comment X LREAL X-coordinate of position Y LREAL Y-coordinate of position Z LREAL Z-coordinate of position A LREAL Angle of rotation around z-axis [deg] B LREAL Angle of rotation around y’-axis [deg] C LREAL Angle of rotation around z’’-axis [deg]