CharWidths POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] iMaxLength INT Output iLength INT i
Pointer to the ARRAY[0 [...] FB.RDREC.RECORD). LEN UDINT Length of
ArrItfTraceMgrVariables POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF ITraceMgrVariable Points to an array
symbolic IEC variable [...] ) ArrayDimension (Struct) Array
time InputDataLength [...] length as number of octets OutputDataLength
well as the length [...] variable S [...] variable _ui
the latch variable [...] size of the array
_SELECTION_AT the input variable [...] _SELECTION_ELEMENT the input variable [...] Position POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9
_SELECTION_AT the input variable [...] _SELECTION_ELEMENT the input variable [...] TO ARRAY [0..9] OF
TO ARRAY [0..255 [...] RxBuffer POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] length to transfer ui