ByteOffset UDINT BitOffset BYTE Range: 0 to 7 BitLength UINT
WriteAbsoluteAddressInfoData : UDINT InOut: Scope [...] WriteAbsoluteAddressInfoData UDINT Input paai POINTER TO Plc
WriteAbsoluteAddressInfoTag : UDINT InOut: Scope [...] WriteAbsoluteAddressInfoTag UDINT Input paai POINTER TO Plc
OperationNumber UINT pbyData POINTER TO BYTE udiDataSize UDINT e
uiPortTo UINT [...] Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Sends data to sIPAddressTo and uiPortTo In
WritePropertyAddressInfoTag : UDINT InOut: Scope [...] WritePropertyAddressInfoTag UDINT Input ppai POINTER TO Plc
Memory POINTER TO BYTE udiMemSize UDINT itfIPAddress IIPAddress 0 uiPort UINT 0
MonitoringAddressInfoTag : UDINT Returns an [...] MonitoringAddressInfoTag UDINT Input pai POINTER TO Plc
RPC Server to be connected to. uiPort UINT [...] (). udiIPAddress UDINT
RPC Server to be connected to. uiPort UINT [...] (). udiIPAddress UDINT