PrimArc_Create_Normal : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] Const vC SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D The center in world
. In case of a [...] path vs3dt . In case [...] element and the input d
_AddMultiplicatedVector : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] 1 POINTER TO SMC_Vector3d pv2 POINTER TO SMC_Vector3d
_Write_ComputeRoot_tau1 : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] (255) Input dTs LREAL dS LREAL
in the XY plane. InOut: Scope Name [...] Const vC SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D
as unit [...] o(l) = exp(wD * l [...] zero. InOut: Name
. InOut: Scope Name [...] _Frame Input dJointAngle_rad LREAL d
_BLOCK SMC_CrossProduct In [...] v1 SMC_Vector3d v2 SMC_Vector3d Output
fixed length in which [...] . InOut: Name Type [...] segment. dLength LREAL
_ComputePlaneNormal3Points InOut: Scope Name Type Inout vN SMC_VECTOR3D Inout Const v1 SMC_VECTOR3D