the `` path’’ to [...] LastValid UDINT
to the underlying [...] _uiDiskFullDatabaseAccessSuspendTime UINT This member [...] of access to the
NumberOfChannels UINT submodules pChannels POINTER TO IPersistence
can be used to [...] .0.0.0’) uiPort UINT Output
TO UDINT Pointer [...] Dest POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to the destination
32 to 64 is [...] to 96 is reserved [...] _MAX_STRING_LEN UDINT 20
TO UDINT [...] VariableInformation POINTER TO Iec
TO UDINT [...] VariableInformation POINTER TO Iec
memory to start with a [...] TO BYTE CHECKED [...] Size UDINT CHECKED
reset to their [...] Modbus Command to be [...] SendTimeout UINT 100 Timeout