IVisuUserMgmtProvider ¶ SetLastResult (Method) SetUserCount (Method) SetUserDB (Method) SetUsers (Method)
VisuLoginProvider.Initialize (METH) ¶ METHOD Initialize : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Initialize BOOL Input iVisuUserMgmt IVisuUserMgmt pClientData POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData
VisuLoginProvider.Login (METH) ¶ METHOD Login : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return Login UDINT Output wstFullName WSTRING The full name of the user dwUserGroupID DWORD The group id where the user belongs to abyUserGroupIDs ARRAY [0..VUM_Constants.VISU_VUM_MAX_GROUPS_PER_USER] OF BYTE Additional user group ids if the user belongs to several groups byUserGroupCount BYTE Number of additional user groups bDeactivated BOOL Is the user deactivated
VisuLoginProvider.UpdateLoginAttemptsInfos (METH) ¶ METHOD UpdateLoginAttemptsInfos : BOOL update the information of the current user about login attempts and lockout time InOut: Scope Name Type Return UpdateLoginAttemptsInfos BOOL Input LastAttemptState UDINT
VisuUserMgmtProvider (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuUserMgmtProvider IMPLEMENTS IVisuUserMgmtProvider This function block searches in the user management for the users which should be displayed and edited in the UserManagement Dialog Methods: Initialize SetUserCount SetUserDB SetUsers Structure: IVisuUserMgmtProvider SetUserCount (Method) SetUserDB (Method) SetUsers (Method) Initialize (Method)
IVisuUserMgmtProvider ¶ SetUserCount (Method) SetUserDB (Method) SetUsers (Method)
VisuUserMgmtProvider.Initialize (METH) ¶ METHOD Initialize : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Initialize BOOL Input iVisuUserMgmt IVisuUserMgmt pClientData POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData
IVisuUserMgmt.SetProvider (METH) ¶ METHOD SetProvider : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetProvider BOOL Input itfVisuUserMgmtProvider IVisuUserMgmtProvider
IVisuUserMgmt.State (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY State : EVisuUserMgmtState
IVisuUserMgmt2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IVisuUserMgmt2 EXTENDS IVisuUserMgmt extension with functionality for restricted login settings Properties: CheckUserWithTempLockout CurrentUserLockoutTime LastResult , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt State , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt Methods: CheckTemporaryLockedUser ChangeUser , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt ChangeUserPassword , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt CheckLoginIntern , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt FillLanguageGroupNames , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt GetCurrentUser , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt GetGroupCount , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt GetGroupFromID , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt GetGroupIDFromIndex , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt GetGroupIndexFromID , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt GetLastError , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt GetTextIdFromGroupID , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt GetUserCount , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt GetUserDBAsCopy , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt GetUsers , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt RegisterExternalUserDatabaseProvider , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt SetLastError , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt SetNewUserDB , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt SetProvider , inherited from IVisuUserMgmt Structure: CheckTemporaryLockedUser (Method) CheckUserWithTempLockout (Property) CurrentUserLockoutTime (Property)